A lifetime of words.


For all of the production, gaming and learning design work represented in these pages, the core of my career is and always has been writing.

As you might suspect, 25+ years of writing can lead to a huge and unwieldy portfolio. This page is an overview of some of my recent work, and a few pieces that are older that I still really like.


Mindset Digital + LinkedIn

I’ve written a good deal about the way digital technologies are transforming the way we communicate, both on the Mindset Digital blog, and as a featured writer on LinkedIn.

Translation is not Transformation: A Tale of Digital and Ducks

The Power of the Visual, and the Inevitable Exception for Giant Babies

The Power of Streaks

Pete Brown Says on Medium

I’ve always enjoyed creative nonfiction essays. When I was a sports editor in the late 1990’s in Central Texas, it was writing my biweekly column that I looked forward to the most.

Many of the pieces I’ve published on Medium over the years became the basis for episodes of my storytelling podcast Pete Brown Says.

RIP, Blockbuster Stores

Yelling at Robots Means the Future, Finally, is Here

Print Journalism

Most of my print journalism clips are from the pre-digital era, but here are a few I’ve managed to digitize.

This is a dicey scan from the pre-digital era, but I trained for and fought in the Golden Gloves in San Antonio in 1999, and wrote this award-winning feature: Seeking the Sweet Science.